Great Sex: Where do you find it?

​Last week I told you that I want you to have great sex. Sex where you were able to bring the whole of who you are – body, heart, and soul- and be free. Sex where you don’t have to compartmentalize your emotions from your body, where you don’t worry about what will happen the next morning, or wonder if that condom really protected you.

That kind of sex doesn’t come easy. It’s going to cost you, as anything worth having usually does.

Picking a Partner is like Picking a President

It’s been over a week now since the General Election. And what an election it was!

If you’re like me, you spent time reading up on the different candidates and their positions, weighing them against your own beliefs, and discussing with trusted friends.

Here in California, we had 10 different propositions on the ballot that also had to be considered, everything from tax hikes to repealing the death penalty. (The former passed, the latter did not, in case you’re curious). Others are more relaxed in their approach, preferring to go with their gut, read the a few articles, and then cast their vote.

Whether picking a President or a partner, here are 5 tips to help us look past the hype and coy advances to see with eyes wide open the heart of that person and make the best choice.

The “Other” Woman

“911, what is your emergency?”

“There’s an intruder in my house.”

“Are you in danger, ma’am?”

“In danger of being taken over!! A crazy person has invaded my home. She’s moody, sullen, weepy, insecure and in general, a wreck. She’s oddly familiar but I don’t know who she is.”

I felt like making that call this week. I have long prided myself on being a strong, confident, independent, slightly sassy and a fairly put together woman. Sure there were kinks in the armor but nothing that I couldn’t keep behind closed doors.

Then I got married.

Do You Know How to Live with Imperfect?

I’m married to the most amazing man. Really. He has the patience of Job, the integrity of Abraham Lincoln and the looks of a rugged cowboy, all with fiery red hair. And he loves me something crazy.

But my husband is not perfect. And neither am I.

Shocking, I know. Being married nearly two years made that glaringly apparent to me.