Hi Friend!

Welcome to our little corner of this nutty digital world. My name is Joanna, mama of four beauties, wife to a film director and screen writer husband.

I’m kind of a nerd who loves to talk about controversial issues (abortion! sex! Jesus!) and heavily relates with every awkward Sandra Bullock movie character. 😅

I’ve been the Director of a Los Angeles-based national STD and Teen Pregnancy prevention program and spent years at Live Action as a Director helping to shape content, lead major gift fundraising and be a spokesperson. I’ve hosted multiple series on Right Now Media, and spoken around the country, helping thousands of teens and parents tackle these very same *thorny* issues that are essential to raising our kids to be rebels in a culture going off the rails.

Because that is what we are doing, friends. We’re living and raising our families to be different: People of the Cross who live with Grit & Grace. It’s a non-stop adventure and I am here for it. I hope you are too!

It’s a privilege to have you here.

I hope you’ll grab a cup of coffee and join us in pursuing a life of wild faith, raising our kids to walk boldly with Christ into an uncertain future.

2 Responses

  1. Joanna ~ thank you so very much for directing me here. I just read your February 25 (26??) blog and you got it! Love having you in our group! I will allow you your privacy and won’t share; however, I will join your blog page. God Bless you. Judy

    1. Judy, thank you for reading! You’re welcome to share this with the group or anyone else you think might enjoy. I wouldn’t be writing online if I wasn’t ok with it being read by people 🙂

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