When to Walk Away

I’m guest posting this week over at Verily Magazine. Is it time for you to walk away from your relationship? Here are three tell-tale signs:

Now that the aura of Valentine’s Day is behind us, it’s time we remove our rose-colored glasses and stare our relationships squarely in the face. You may find that your relationship is as wonderful as you thought, or you may discover that its time to walk away.

Marriage Is Not Valentine’s Day Every Day

I’m over at Verily Magazine posting today on what marriage is not. Come join me!

I was on the phone with a friend recently and off-handedly commented that my husband and I weren’t big into celebrating Valentine’s Day. To which she jokingly quipped, “Well that’s because you’re married. Isn’t every day Valentine’s Day?”

I about choked on my laughter.

Get Smart: Dating with Your Head and Your Heart

I’m guest posting today over at Verily Magazine. This one is for all you single ladies out there wondering if you’re just too much for a guy, or if it’s possible to be smart, driven, AND find love.
If you’re visiting from Verily, welcome!

The Green-Eyed Monster

This week I’m guest posting over at Verily Magazine. Here’s a teaser:

When I was single, I pored over books and blogs, and spent countless hours dissecting relationships in conversation with friends in search of that one great love.

Having observed plenty of relationships, I knew that when I finally found my soul-thrilling, epic love, there would be imperfections in this man that I would have to learn to patiently accept. What I didn’t expect …

The War Between Men & Women: Guest Post at Verily

In case you missed it, this week I guest posted over at Verily Magazine, a fabulous new venture that is written by young women, for young women.

Here’s a teaser of what I said on the Battle of the Sexes:

As the song from Annie Get Your Gun says, “Anything you can do, I can do better.”

Personally, I’ve found that a little competition can be healthy; it drives me to push further, try harder and endure longer. But if I take my competitive spirit to an extreme, especially in a relationship, it can be grating, hurtful and exhausting; if I’m not careful, I can cause distance between those closest to me. Although I want to be a strong, successful woman, I’ve learned that I need to reevaluate what that really means for me.