Can Your Teen Recognize Real Love?

​You’ll find me posting over at Roo Mag today on helping teens understand the difference between real love and a crush. No matter where you are in your relationships (or lack thereof), it’s a reminder we could all use.

Meeting with some high school girls the other night, one girl excitedly pulled out the heart necklace with diamonds that her boyfriend had given her. She in turn had given him a necklace with a charm that read, “I love you.”

They’ve been dating for three months.

Broken Dreams For Your Child

​As the resident Sex Talk gal here at Roo Mag, I get the joy of encouraging parents to have more open and honest conversations with their kids about sex, equipping them to confidently speak to their teens about saving sex.

But what do you do when you find out that, despite all that you’ve said and prayed, your child has still chosen to be sexually active before marriage?

Preparing Your Kid to Be Different

Today I’m guest posting over at Roo Magazine with an article for parents entitled, “Preparing Your Kid to Be Different.”

Here’s a snippet:

Being a teenager is tough. Really tough.

There’s the daily rollercoaster of emotions, the struggle to subdue your hormones lest they dominate you…

Parents, Why You Need to Talk About Sex.

A couple of weeks ago I had a guest post on urging parents to add “Sex Talks with my Teen” to their Back-To-School List. It was a real hit. All of zero people commented on the post.

Perhaps it was a bit premature. Here I am urging parents to talk about this with their kids without addressing one of the underlying questions: “Why?”

Why as parents do you need to have these talks with your children? Yes, plural, not singular. This is not a one time monologue to be delivered with sock puppets and catchy slogans like, “Just say no!” It is an ongoing conversation that begins when they’re young and ends when…they get married.

You’re going to be doing this a lot. Sometimes it will go great, and other times you will be left wondering why in the world you said what you did.