Quarter Life Conference

Have I got a treat for you. One week from tomorrow, on Thursday March 21st, there will be a FREE online conference for 20-somethings, where you get some quality face-time with movers and shakers in the area of… wait for it…RELATIONSHIPS.

Here’s the link to sign up: Quarter Life Conference

In anticipation of this great event, I caught up with one of the speakers, Joy Eggerichs of Love and Respect Now (LRN) to ask her a few questions about relationships and her love of unicorns.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year….Except When It Isn’t.

I love Christmas. The smell of cider and fresh baked cookies, the coming together of friends and family, twinkling lights that make everything a bit warmer, and celebrating the most amazing miracle in human history. For a brief few weeks, everything just seems…cozier.

Peace is on earth and goodwill seems abundant.

Then comes a piercing, heart-rendering reminder that we live in a broken, fallen world where evil does not rest. Perhaps it this backdrop of celebrated joy in a season of innocence and charity that makes evil seems all the more dark and jarring.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, except when tragedy shatters that illusion.

Preparing for Miracles

“Eucharisteo precedes the miracle.”

The book tells me this strange Greek word means, “Thanksgiving.”

Thanksgiving precedes the miracle.

It’s been a day and night of talking about the future in our home. Honest talks, hard talks. Talks of big changes, big needs, of questions marks looming large.

Will we be ready to meet them? Will we have the means to meet them?

The realization of our needs, the bigness of it all, is breathtaking. Taking my breath with it’s crushing weight, threatening to stifle life.