Why the draw towards romance?

I received the following question a couple weeks back from a reader named Fellow:

“Why does everyone feel this massive pull towards “romance” and a passionate, vibrant, life-bringing friendship…we all long for that…when we know it doesn’t exist.”

What a question!

Can Your Teen Recognize Real Love?

​You’ll find me posting over at Roo Mag today on helping teens understand the difference between real love and a crush. No matter where you are in your relationships (or lack thereof), it’s a reminder we could all use.

Meeting with some high school girls the other night, one girl excitedly pulled out the heart necklace with diamonds that her boyfriend had given her. She in turn had given him a necklace with a charm that read, “I love you.”

They’ve been dating for three months.

Marriage Is Not Valentine’s Day Every Day

I’m over at Verily Magazine posting today on what marriage is not. Come join me!

I was on the phone with a friend recently and off-handedly commented that my husband and I weren’t big into celebrating Valentine’s Day. To which she jokingly quipped, “Well that’s because you’re married. Isn’t every day Valentine’s Day?”

I about choked on my laughter.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year….Except When It Isn’t.

I love Christmas. The smell of cider and fresh baked cookies, the coming together of friends and family, twinkling lights that make everything a bit warmer, and celebrating the most amazing miracle in human history. For a brief few weeks, everything just seems…cozier.

Peace is on earth and goodwill seems abundant.

Then comes a piercing, heart-rendering reminder that we live in a broken, fallen world where evil does not rest. Perhaps it this backdrop of celebrated joy in a season of innocence and charity that makes evil seems all the more dark and jarring.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, except when tragedy shatters that illusion.

Preparing for Miracles

“Eucharisteo precedes the miracle.”

The book tells me this strange Greek word means, “Thanksgiving.”

Thanksgiving precedes the miracle.

It’s been a day and night of talking about the future in our home. Honest talks, hard talks. Talks of big changes, big needs, of questions marks looming large.

Will we be ready to meet them? Will we have the means to meet them?

The realization of our needs, the bigness of it all, is breathtaking. Taking my breath with it’s crushing weight, threatening to stifle life.

The Green-Eyed Monster

This week I’m guest posting over at Verily Magazine. Here’s a teaser:

When I was single, I pored over books and blogs, and spent countless hours dissecting relationships in conversation with friends in search of that one great love.

Having observed plenty of relationships, I knew that when I finally found my soul-thrilling, epic love, there would be imperfections in this man that I would have to learn to patiently accept. What I didn’t expect …

Two Years in Moments

Tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate two years. Two years since we said “I do,” and embarked on the greatest, most gloriously difficult adventure of our lives.


These past two years have been made of moments that were laugh out loud good, scream in pain hard, and breathtakingly beautiful: