What Kind of Kids Are You Raising?

Today I have the privilege of guest posting for Tor Constantino on his site, The Daily ReTORt. Here’s a snippet:

I’m part of the Millenial Generation. We’re half kids, half adults.

Allowed to ‘explore’ and ‘find ourselves’ for as long as it takes, we avoid relational commitment, financial responsibility and change jobs at dizzying rates.

As I look around at my peers, and the kids coming up behind us, I have to wonder:

Are we raising children or are we raising adults?

Raising Strong Daughters

​Today I’m guest posting at Roo Magazine with an article on one of my favorite topics: Fathers and Daughters.

Here’s a snippet:

I’m the oldest of six children. I’m also the only girl. Amidst all that testosterone, my parents managed to raise a daughter that is one part Martha Stewart, one part Condoleezza Rice, and a little bit of Lucille Ball, all in high heels and hairpins. Or at least that’s what I fantasize I am on my best days.

How did they do it?