When to Walk Away

I’m guest posting this week over at Verily Magazine. Is it time for you to walk away from your relationship? Here are three tell-tale signs:

Now that the aura of Valentine’s Day is behind us, it’s time we remove our rose-colored glasses and stare our relationships squarely in the face. You may find that your relationship is as wonderful as you thought, or you may discover that its time to walk away.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Part II

Relationships. Love them, hate them. They make life so exciting and simultaneously require so much work. Last post I looked at three signs that it may be time to leave your relationship in order to make room for one that is a better fit, that is more intentional and has more staying power.

Today, here are three signs that it’s not time to throw in the towel just yet, that it may still be worth it to stay.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Part I

Every relationship is going to reach a crossroads, some on the second date, others after a few months or years.

Is this a relationship to continue pouring into, to keep pursuing and working at, or is it time to bid adieu, change the Facebook status and move on?

Here are three signs that it may be time to go. Next post, I’ll give you three reasons it might be worth it to stay.